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    Lyrics "How Great Thou Art"/How Great Thou Art was written by Carl Boberg in 1885 and the title was “O Store Gud” which had nine verses/O Lord my God

     Lyrics “How Great Thou Art

    “How Great Thou Art” is a well-known Christian hymn written by Swedish poet Carl Boberg in Monsteras, Sweden in 1885. The poem was written in Swedish language but later translated into German language and then into Russian language. The poem was translated from Russian language to English by English missionary Stuart K. Hine. He also added two verses which were written by him.

    Carl Boberg wrote the poem in 1885 and the title was “O Store Gud” which had nine verses. Boberg’s inspiration for the poem “How Great Thou Art” came when he was coming back home from church near Kronoback, Sweden. Suddenly a thundercloud appeared and soon lightning flashed, strong winds started to blow over the meadow and the fields of grain and started raining. Soon the thunderstorm was over and a rainbow appeared on the clear sky. After coming back home, he opened the window towards the bay of Monsteras that looked like a mirror. He heard a thrush singing in the wood and the church bells. The bay of Monsteras, church bells and the beauty of the nature inspired Carl Boberg to write the poem “O Store Gud”.

     On 13 March 1886, the poem “O Store Gud” was first published in the Monsteras Tidningen. The song “O Store Gud” was first translated in German by Manfred von Glehn. The poem “O Store Gud” was first literal translated in English by E. Gustav Johnson who was a professor of North Park College, Illinois. George Beverly Shea and Cliff Barrows had made the song “How Great Thou Art” more popular.

    “How Great Thou Art” Lyrics

    [Verse 1] 
    O Lord my God,  

    When I in awesome wonder 
    Consider all the worlds  

    Thy hands have made 
    I see the stars,  

    I hear the rolling thunder 
    Thy power throughout  

    The universe displayed 
    Then sings my soul,  

    My Saviour God, to Thee 
    How great Thou art,  

    How great Thou art 
    Then sings my soul,  

    My Saviour God, to Thee 
    How great Thou art,  

    How great Thou art! 
    [Verse 2] 
    When through the woods,  

    And forest glades I wander 
    And hear the birds sing sweetly  

    In the trees 
    When I look down,  

    From lofty mountain grandeur 
    And see the brook,  

    And feel the gentle breeze 
    Then sings my soul,  

    My Saviour God, to Thee 
    How great Thou art,  

    How great Thou art 
    Then sings my soul,  

    My Saviour God, to Thee 
    How great Thou art,  

    Mow great Thou art! 
    [Verse 3] 
    And when I think, that God, 

    His Son not sparing 
    Sent Him to die,  

    I scarce can take it in 
    That on the Cross,  

    My burden gladly bearing 
    He bled and died  

    To take away my sin 


    Then sings my soul,  

    My Saviour God, to Thee 
    How great Thou art, 

    How great Thou art 
    Then sings my soul,  

    My Saviour God, to Thee 
    How great Thou art,  

    How great Thou art! 
    [Verse 4] 
    When Christ shall come,  

    With shout of acclamation 
    And take me home,  

    What joy shall fill my heart 
    Then I shall bow,  

    In humble adoration 
    And then proclaim:  

    "My God, how great Thou art!" 
    Then sings my soul,  

    My Saviour God, to Thee 
    How great Thou art,  

    How great Thou art 
    Then sings my soul,  

    My Saviour God, to Thee 
    How great Thou art,  

    How great Thou art!


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